2012年1月23日 星期一
Beaut Island – Latest Album from Luo Dayou
0410/2005 China Beat
BeautIsland – Latest Album from Luo Dayou
Hello, welcome to another edition of China Beat. I’m your host Shen Ting. Todaywe’re going to introduce the new album of Luo Dayou, who’s dubbed the “Godfatherof Chinese Pop”. Released at the end of last year, the new album kept the fans waiting for more than a decade. So let’s first listen to the title track of the album, BeautIsland.
The name of the album, BeautIsland, has its somewhat confusing roots in the Chinese
translation of the Portuguese word Formosa, which was formerly used to refer to the
island of Taiwan and means the beautiful island as well. The title track was written during Luo Dayou's stay in New York. It features some classical-style lyrics, which are full of the contrasting adjectives often used by Luo, but this time used to describean island experiencing a state of paradox. Somewhat melancholy, this song reflects
Luo's passionate feelings for his long-beloved homeland, and shows that he still has atleast some pop sensibilities left to him, even at the age of 50.
That was “Lover”, a song written by Luo during the SARS outbreak in 2003. Luo said the song was originally written for a couple in Hong Kong, whose 30th anniversary celebration of their wedding had to be canceled due to the epidemic. However, thesong was firstly performed at a concert held by a Hong Kong radio station for themedical staff. Have a listen to the song.
If you have had some exposure to Chinese pop music, it's very likely that you havecome across Luo Dayou's music. Songs like Pearl of the Orient, Love Song 1990 andChildhood are favorites for amateur white collar singers, whereas Your Face andLover-Comrade first appeared on movie soundtracks, before sweeping throughTaiwan and the Chinese mainland. Throughout his career, Luo has also written songsfor other artists, from 1981's Apothegm of Love for syrupy songstress Teresa Teng, to the countless songs flowing from his Music Factory label in Hong Kong. Though it’s12 years since Luo released his last album, the singer has stuck to his alreadyestablished musical style as proved by the first several tracks of his new album. Let’slisten to two songs that bear clear brand of Luo Dayou, the first one being DancingGirl, and the second, Unstoppable Lover.
Unstoppable Lover is a song dedicated to Luo’s ex-wife. And Dancing Girl is written for Luo Manfei, a famous dancer and good friend of Luo Dayou and his ex-wife. On the mainland, Luo's particular flavor of guitar-based folk rock captivated a wholegeneration born in the 1960s and 1970s. Chronologically, his influence spread even further, since he's also credited with laying the foundations for the later developmentof China's ‘campus ballad' movement. Over the past two decades Luo's catchy folk melodies, intellectual lyrics, deep emotions and explicit political satire have made himone of the most enduring cultural icons of modern China. The next song we’ll behearing is “Teenage in Love”, an up-tempo track sung in the dialect of south Fujian,which is also used by the Taiwanese.
This latest album we introduced to you today includes 14 songs and somehow tookLuo Dayou ten years to complete, a time lag which the songwriter puts down to events taking place around him. The next song Downpour mourns Bai Xiaoyan, ateenage girl and daughter of famous Taiwan actress Bai Bingbing kidnapped and killed in 1997. The atrocity appalled the public. The lyrics and melody of the song arevery impressive, creating a feeling of helplessness and sadness. The use of electricguitar makes the song even softer and melancholy, though some people suggested theuse of Acoustic Guitar.
Luo Dayou has always been concerned with politics in Taiwan. He’s probably theboldest singer in mocking and satirizing the politics and some leaders in Taiwan. Thenext song actually reflects the gunshot accident on March 19 last year, in which Taiwan leader Chen Shuibian was shot and injured during an election campaign. Theaccident is widely viewed as a democratic farce. Have a listen to Green Terrorists, asong that “witnessed the ignorance of democracy and freedom”.
That was Green Terrorists.
The album has also been hailed by some critics as a combinative collection of Luo’spast works. Luo displays what he’s concerned about and thought through the songs. Itis not difficult to find some relationship between the new songs and the old ones. Simply put it, the album is like an overall revelation of the singer’s life experienceand meditation as a middle-age man. The next track is Time is Fading, a song beginsin the clicking of clock and signs the shortness and insignificance of life in the face ofendless time. The lyric is written by Lin Xi, one of the most famous lyricists in Hong Hong.
For decades Luo Dayou’s devotion to the production of pop songs on the mainland isimmeasurable. People have long considered him as a pop idol that can not be replaced. Even now, many campus ballad writers still mention his name from time to time and largely follow his style established many years ago. His new album has struck a chordamong the people born in the 1960s and 70s, who grew up listening to Luo Dayou’ssongs. Over the years the singer has become more and more personal in expressions.So are his songs. Listen to another tune sung in the dialect of South Fujian, a song said to contain some implied political reference.
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